Thermal engineering & analysis

ATG has recognised expertise in the design, modelling, and analysis of spacecraft thermal control subsystems, from unit/payload to system level including electronic boxes, complex optical systems, propulsion subsystems in launchers, Solar Array Drive mechanisms (SADMs), small and big satellites and more.

If you need expert support in your project or program, our team is ready to help:
- In any project phase: ATG has proven experience in many project phases (A to D) from conceptual design to detailed implementation.
- In all critical tasks: requirements definition, unit level boundaries definition, design, analysis, test support or technical reviews.
- With flexibility on the project approach: from new space pragmatism to traditional space thoroughness.

System Level Thermal Control Definition

  • Requirements definition and flow down.
  • Orbital studies and worst cases definition.
  • Boundaries definition for unit level thermal analysis.
  • Thermal control system architecture definition (passive vs active, thermal fluidic solutions, etc).

Thermal Modelling and Analysis

  • Knowledge of ECSS standards.
  • Thermal model generation using the industry standard ESATAN-TMS, and Thermica.
  • In-house built-in python toolset or incorporation of customer workflows and tools, as defined.
  • Orbital worst cases assessment.
  • Worst cases analysis and thermal control system sizing.
  • Modelling approach tailored to needs (project phase, thermal vs thermo-elastic needs, new space vs traditional space).
  • Advanced ESATAN-TMS libraries expertise (fluidic modules for propulsion systems)
  • Expertise in thermal modelling and analysis of thermally critical mechanisms.
  • Model reduction.

Thermal AIT phase Support

  • Test set up design, instrumentation, and profile definition.
  • Requirements flow down to ensure objectives are met.
  • Test set up assembly and integration support.
  • Thermal AIT QA tasks (finger test, heater mapping, etc) to ensure adequacy of the set up to the thermal needs.
  • On-site expert support during test execution.
  • Thermal model correlation.

Technical Reviews

  • Independent review and evaluation of existing thermal designs and analyses
  • Tailored to customer’s needs, project phase, etc.


Thermal and structural problems are often closely interconnected, and it can be beneficial tackling them together. Thermo-elastics lies deeply in the core competencies of the team. Thus, we can provide a holistic service to tackle technical challenges from a multidisciplinary perspective. This brings invaluable added value in thermo-elastically critical units, where pointing accuracy or stability of line of sight are critical. Our offer includes:
- State-of-the-art practices, ranging from novel pragmatic approaches to the full application of the European Guidelines for Thermo-Elastic Verification, the ESA technical note STM-285, in which generation ATG was involved together with other key European players.
- Thermal and structural (FEM) models generation for thermo-elastic verification purposes.
- Temperature mapping of structural models using SINAS.
- Full thermo-elastic analysis following traditional practices.

Type: Service
Available standards (e.g. ASTM, MIL): ECSS, NASA
Project heritage: Multiple institutional and new space programs
ISO/IEC 17025
ISO 9001
Keywords: ESATAN-TMS, ESATAN, Thermica, Lumped parameter method, thermal, thermo-elastic, analysis, design, test, SINAS