Compoxi is a skilled organization that provides turnkey solutions around advanced composite products. Compoxi services includes integral design, analysis and manufacturing of product, including
- Redesign of metallic structures
- Development of components from Aerosurfaces or DMUs
- Mechanical analysis of composite materials
- Thermal analysis of composite materials
- Advanced analysis of composite materials (debonding, cohesive elements, multi-material structures, damage, delamination)
- Simulation of process (RTM, Infusion) and process-induced effects (distortions, residual stresses)
- Process Engineering (Layup definition, plybook)
- Tooling and manufacturing jigs design
Available standards (e.g. ASTM, MIL):
According to space and/or aeronautic design codes
Project heritage:
Heritage in Space, HAPS and aero components
ISO/IEC 17025
ISO 9001
CFRP, Composite, Engineering, FEMs