Unmanned systems

We specialize in:

• development of the unmanned systems,
• mission implementation and planning,
• integration with UTM systems,
• designing and manufacturing of the unmanned platforms and experimental demonstrator,
• We develop embedded software in:
- areas of video tracking and autopilots,
- GCS control systems,
- neural network/artificial intelligence, UAVs certification,
- systems for drones neutralization, systems for
monitoring, collecting and sensory data processing.

Mechatronic systems

We offer laboratory and workshop and measurement facilities, where mechanical, electrical and electronic integration processes in the field of UAV systems are performed.

The developed tool base allows for the development of new components for the needs of internal and commercially commissioned projects. We offer:

• on–board instruments for UAVs,
• optoelectronic heads,
• selection of sensors,
• mechanical structures,
• electronic systems design,
• development of control software,
• design and implementation of dedicated multi–sensor systems,
• ground control stations (GCS).

As part of our work on the software, we deal with:

• computer vision processing,
• detection and identification of objects,
• neural network algorithms (AI),
• GCS ground software,
• sense & avoid environment awareness systems,
• navigation without GPS,
• emergency landing systems,
• UAV simulators.

Unmanned systems – scope of services

The main area of our activities in the field of unmanned technologies is the provision of tests services, the provision of new technologies for specialized applications and the conduct of research and development projects. Our specialists create advanced software for unmanned aerial systems (UAVs) based on machine vision and artificial intelligence algorithms, produce precision mechanics, and design electronics dedicated to UAVs.

We have experience in planning and implementing test flights and integrating avionics systems. We cooperate with many entities, domestic and foreign, in the field of avionics systems dedicated to UAVs.

Unnamed technologies – an offer

• development of UAVs concepts dedicated for specialized tasks,
• developing of UAVs with vision processing and artificial intelligence algorithms,
• development of anti–drone systems,
• development of experimental unmanned systems,
• modeling of avionic systems,
• modeling of sensory systems (awareness of the environment, avoidance of obstacles),
• modeling of control systems – mobile GCS stations,
• development of propulsion systems – design and development,
• development of emergency systems,
• development of airspace management systems – integration with UTM/DTM systems,
• UAVs tests support,
• UAVs certification,
• preparation of photolight missions, data acquisition and data feed to Spatial Information Systems (SIS),
• creation of precise raster maps (orthophotomaps) and vector maps based on aerial photographs (capability for taking multispectral images),
• creation of products for modern geomarketing, including the creation of precise three-dimensional models of objects,
• development of the analysis of the designated area according to the set criteria, analysis of solar potential (based on precise three-dimensional models), analysis of the optimal location of the investments,
• preparation of the geodata advanced visualization, with particular emphasis on 3D modeling and integration of data obtained with the use of UAVs,
• development of UAVs and GCS stations software,
• developing security analyses,
• performance of the research in the field of aerodynamics and materials and structures testing.

Type: Service
ISO/IEC 17025
ISO 9001
Keywords: anti–drone, drone, GCS, UAV, UTM, orthophotomaps, SIS, security analyses, aerodynamics