Control Electronics for HDRAs

Initiation control unit (ICU) has been developed as user friendly electronics for ATLAS non-explosive release actuators.

The unit is capable of producing simultaneous or sequential current pulse of 1 - 10A in 10 independent power lines (usually 5 release actuators).

The pulse is synchronized in a milisecond precision. Users can easily setup any release scenarios using a simple PC software. The ICU can be used for ground testing of any fuse technology actuators (HDRA) with compatible electrical resistance.

The unit combines user friendliness with user and hardware safety - it contains 3 release barriers (power button, arming, firing) and the release sequence is launched from internal memory thus it can safely finish even when ICU is accidentally disconnected.

Do not hesitate to contact our technical team to consult the compatability of your actuators.

Type: Product
Specimen length [mm]: 250.0
Specimen width/dia [mm]: 270.0
Specimen height/thk [mm]: 100.0
Mass max. [kg]: 3.0
Keywords: HDRA HDRM ground testing control electronics current pulse generator