Shock Test

SRS shock test simulates the shock experienced by the satellite during its ejection from the launcher when the pyrotechnic element is fired. This small explosion generates a shock characterized by a very short pulse duration (0.5ms) with a very broad spectrum (100-10,000Hz).

The EUT is fixed on a table, equipped with a number of accelerometers and submitted to shocks in the three axes.
The curve of the acceleration (acceleration vs. frequency) has to be within certain ranges established by the launcher.

The EUT is afterwards visually inspected and a functional test is run to check that the shock have not provoked any harm. It is a test requested by all launchers .

Features mechanical:
Static load
Micro vibration
Specimen length [mm]: 500.0
Specimen width/dia [mm]: 5000.0
Specimen height/thk [mm]: 500.0
Mass max. [kg]: 15.0
Frequency min. [Hz]: 100.0
Frequency max. [Hz]: 10000
Acceleration shock [g]: 3000
Data acquisition: 8 channels. SRS Analysis software computes the Shock response Spectra up to 1/12 octave.
Project heritage: CURIOSITY, BEPI COLOMBO, SOLAR ORBITER, JUICE, new space and cubest testing
Keywords: Pyroshock, SRS, shock test, space testing, cubesat , Alter Technology