Metallic Materials Technology Lab

The mission of Metallic Materials Technology Lab is to develop innovative processes for the construction of metallic structural components by means of additive manufacturing technologies. The laboratory has an EBM (Electron Beam Melting) ALM (Additive Layer Manufacturing) machine with a working volume of 200 x 200 x 380 mm.

The laboratory is also equipped with a system for the dust recovery and software for the job preparation in additive technology (interface between CAD systems and 3D printing systems).

Technical features:
* ALM based on EBM technology
* Max Power: 3500 W
* Power density: 106 KW/cm2
* Vacuum environmental: 10-4 mBar;
* Designed to process titanium alloys as well as materials that require elevated process temperatures
* Spot size 0.2-1.00mm;
* Built rate 55/80 cm3/h;
* EB scan speed 8000m/s;
* Roughness 25/35 micron;
* Powder Recovery System (PRS)
* Ultrasonic Cleaner BuoQua 30L

Specimen length [mm]: 200.0
Specimen width/dia [mm]: 200.0
Specimen height/thk [mm]: 380.0
Project heritage: Clean Sky 2
ISO/IEC 17025
ISO 9001
Keywords: CIRA, metallic structural components, additive manufacturing technology, dust recovery,