ARIANEGROUP performs environnemental and abusives tests in order to simulate the accidentals phenomenon that a battery can have during its life cycle. Equipped of gas analysers and a innovative gas treatment system, these tests are performed in environmental respect.
Batteries LI-ION
- Energy max. 100 kWh
- Dim max. 2,5 x 1,5 x 0,5 m
- Mass max. 1 500 kg
- Fire power: 3,5 MW
- Gas treatment: 7 500 m3/h
Type of test
- Compression
- Short-circuit
- Overload
- Overheating convection (radiant)
- Overheating conduction (resistance)
- Fire fuel
- Punching
- Fall
- Temperature
- Voltage
- Pressure
- Gas flow
- Video (slow/fast)–Camera IR
- Inertage
- Effluents treatment
- Gas analysis (COV, hydrocarbure)
ISO/IEC 17025
ISO 9001
Battery, gas treatment, abusive